Saturday, 16 November 2013

Seminar 6 - 20th Nov - The Priori

Reading: Morton, A Guide Through the Theory Of Knowledge, Chapter 3 (Aprori Beliefs)

1. What is an example of one of your;
a)A priori beliefs
b)A posteriori beliefs

2. What is an example of
a)An analytic truth
b)A logical truth
c)Necsscary truth

3. Do we know logical truths from evidence?

4. If your answer to question 2c you gave a necsscary truth. How did you come to know that truth?

5. What is an example of a necsscary truth learnt aposteriori?

6. What is an example of a truth learnt a priori which is not nescsscary?

7. Are all apriori beliefs analytic? What does Kant think? What do you think?

8. What are the three examples in section 3 which philosophers might use to argue against Kant? Do you find them convincing?

9. Morton gives an example of how 'all bachelors are unmarried men' could be flase. Are you convinced?

10. Is there really an analytic/synethtic distinction?

11. What does Quine mean by 'web of beliefs'? What is at the center of your web of beliefs?

12. Suppose that we use the following definition of number 'one is a number, and two is a number, and anything that you get from adding one number to another is a number'. Is the belief that there are infinetly many numbers analytic if that definition is right?

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